Intake Season

Membership Intake Season is a set of workflow rules that the chapter and region are required to complete for individual chapters to accept new initiates into the organization. An Intake Season has a start and end date in which chapters can only operate with in these dates.

Intake Season Types

  1. Cluster

    1. Chapters are unable to create a planning document and participate in the intake season until the region creates at least 1 cluster.

    2. Chapters are required to register for a regional cluster. Each region participating can create 1 or more cluster events.

    3. Chapter candidates are confirmed as members at the Regional Cluster End Date.

  2. Non Cluster

    1. Chapters are able to start an intake season as request to participate by submitting a planning document soon as a Intake season is created.

    2. At the end of the Intake Season chapter candidates are confirmed as Members

      1. see Closing

National Intake Season Documentation

Regional Intake Season

Local Chapter Intake Season

Completing An Intake Season

Confirming Cluster

  • Each chapter who showed interest in participating in the Intake Season cluster must have a Denied or Approved Master Intake Document

  • Each chapter’s candidates must be verified to Confirm the Chapter.

  • Once all cluster chapters confirmed, then the Cluster is considered “Confirmed”

Converting “Confirmed” Chapter New Candidate Initiates to Members

  • New Initiate gets new Profile as Member with new Membership Number

  • New Initiate Member Profile is exported into National System

  • New Initiate Member is added to the existing approved Chapter Roster