Intake Fees

  • Each level of the organization (National, Regional and Local) will be responsible for creating their own Intake Fees.

  • Intake Fees are grouped by classification (Graduate, Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman).

  • When a candidate is accepted for membership then based off of the candidate classification they are presented with an invoice to pay their Intake Fees. Invoice line items will be the Intake Fee per organization level.

  • Candidate makes 1 payment and the funds are routed to each level of the organization’s financial account accordingly. See illustration below:


Setting Intake Fees During Intake Season Setup

For any level of the organization to participate in the Intake Season they are required to complete the Intake Season “Intake Fee” step. Completing the Intake Fee step on each level of the organization will create all the necessary intake Fees.


Chapter Intake Season Summary

When all candidates in the chapter have either been accepted or denied then the chapter will have access to the Master Intake Document Chapter Summary. We can use this summary to view the status of the Candidate Intake Fee Payments.


The Payment Summary towards the bottom of the page displays a total of all the payments for the chapter. Also Listed in the “Fee” column is the status of each individual candidate Intake Payment.

  • Payment Not Received

  • Payment Confirmation Pending

  • Payment Confirmed


Withdraw Funds

After all candidate payments have been confirmed and processed for intake then the chapter can withdraw funds.

Please see Withdraw Funds


Please See Refunds

Creating and Editing Intake Fees

  1. Login as admin and click the “Products” side bar menu link.

  2. Click the “New Product” button to create a new Item or click the “View” icon to edit an existing item.

  3. Product Form will display.

  4. Select “Initiation Fees” for Product Group

  5. Select the Appropriate Product Type

    1. Graduate Item - Intake fees applied to Initiates who are classified as a Graduate

    2. Freshmen Item - Intake fees applied to Initiates who are classified as a Freshmen

    3. Sophomore Item - Intake fees applied to Initiates who are classified as a Sophomore

    4. Junior Item - Intake fees applied to Initiates who are classified as a Junior

    5. Senior Item - Intake fees applied to Initiates who are classified as a Senior

  6. Complete the other fields in the form and click the “Save” button.