Chapter Dues

Chapter must first enable chapter dues and set the Fiscal End Date before they can accept payments for chapter Dues. See Enabling Chapter Dues

  1. Accepting Dues Payment from a non chapter member.

    1. Non chapter member must receive a ”Chapter Invite” or “Request to Join A Chapter”. If they have “Request to Join a Chapter” the request must first be approved by a chapter admin before they can make a dues payment.

    2. When a non chapter member receives a “Chapter Invite”:

      • Then they can log in and make a dues payment. See How to Make a Dues Payment

      • Upon successful payment the member will automatically be added to the chapter roster.

      • Note: If the chapter does not accept dues payments on the platform then the member will automatically be added to the chapter roster when an invite is sent. No member action Required. However if the non chapter member does not have an account on the platform then an Invite email will be sent with instructions on how to create a profile and accept the Invite. When the member accepts the Invite then they will automatically be added to the chapter roster.
        “See How to Accept an Invite”

    3. When non chapter members “Request to Join A Chapter” has been approved they will receive a confirmation email notification then they can log in and make a dues payment.

      1. See How to Make a Dues Payment

  2. Accepting Dues Payment from a Currently Active Financial Member for the “Upcoming” Fiscal Year

    • If a member is financial on the current active roster then 60 days prior to the Fiscal End Date the member will receive an automated email notification prompting the member to login and make a dues payment for the “Upcoming” Fiscal Year.

      • This email will automatically go out on the 60 day, 30 day, 2 weeks and 1 day before the Fiscal End Date until member has made a dues payment. In addition if the member has still not made a dues payment, they will receive payment notification reminder 30, 60 and 90 days after the Fiscal Start Date has passed.

      • See How to Make a Dues Payment

    • Admins can also manually send payment notification reminder email to all current active financial members for the “Upcoming” Fiscal Year.

      • Click the > “Chapter Roster” tab > Click the 3 dot menu

      • Then Click the “Upcoming Fiscal Year” menu item


What happens after a Member makes a Dues Payment?

  • Members who have made a Successful chapter dues payment are automatically added to the current active roster and no additional action is required.

  • Members who have made a chapter dues payment for the “Upcoming” Fiscal Year will automatically be added to the “Upcoming” Fiscal Year chapter roster and ready to be submitted on the Officer Report. See Submitting an Officer Report.

  • Need to automatically remove members from chapters after the fiscal end date ends.

    • i think this is being done automatically, just need to have some notifications to members when they log in that their chapter membership is expiring.


Member Notifications
