Chapter Invite

To add a member to the chapter roster anytime after the roster report has been submitted chapter admins can Send a “Chapter Invite” a Member.


  • Log on as chapter admin, click the “Chapter Roster” tab.

  • Click the “+” button icon to “Invite Member(s)”

  • Type email address of each member you would like to add to the chapter roster separated by comma.

    • Please note you can only send invite to members who are financially active on the national level or have not created a profile on the platform.


  • If any members you would like to send an “Invite” to are not financial on the national level you will get the message below. You can remove these emails from the list and attempt to send the invites again.

  • If the member is financial and already has an account on the platform then you will be presented with the “Add To Roster” button to automatically add this member to the roster skipping the need to send an “Invite”. Member will get an email notification and will have access to the chapter when logging in.

    • If your chapter is accepting Dues on the platform, this will be an opportunity to send a email notification to the Member requesting to for Dues Payment before adding to the roster.


  • If the member Does not have an account on the Platform then an email notification then the following email will be sent to the Member.

    • If Chapter Not Accepting Dues

    • If Chapter is Accepting Dues
