Review Existing Members

As a step in the officer report the chapter is to review existing members to determine if they will remain on the chapter roster.

All members who were on the previous roster will be displayed on the list. Click a member in the list to review that member individually or click the checkbox next to a member to review multiple members at once.


  • Click the member in the list to review the member.

    • You get the member roster review pop up. Please select “financially active”, “non financial” status radio buttons. After select a Status radio button,and click the save button, then the member list is updated. After update all the status from the member list then this step will be completed and it will move to the next step.

    • If chapter is Accepting Dues

      • If the member does not have a payment on file then will have option to send email reminder notification to member with instructions to log in and pay Chapter Dues. Once chapter dues have been paid the member will automatically be added to the chapter roster.