Chapter Roster

Chapter Roster Member Status Types

  • Financially Active - member submitted as active financial member on the chapter roster.

  • Non Financial - member remains in the chapter member pool but not on active chapter roster. Has no access to chapter portal.

  • Remove From Chapter - member completely removed from chapter.

  • Paid Locally Only - member only active on the local chapter level and not on the official chapter roster.

  • Submitting and Updating a Chapter Roster

    • Chapter roster reports are set to be due by the Organization Fiscal Year Start and End Date.

      • Once a chapter roster has been submitted it can be updated anytime thru out the fiscal year.

      • Chapters rosters are also reviewed and updated anytime a Officer Report is submitted.

  • Accepting Chapter Dues Utilizing the Platform

      • If your chapter is accepting dues then any member who is a “Life Member” or has pre paid their upcoming dues will automatically be added to the chapter roster. See Upcoming Fiscal Year Dues

  • Reviewing Existing Members

    • Review each existing member’s new roster status.

  • Adding New Member’s to the Roster

    • Search for any member by First Name, Last Name or Membership Number

    • Any Pending “Chapter Invites” or Pending “Join Chapter Request” will also show up here on the Roster Report

  • Adding Member’s to Roster without submitting a new Roster Report or Officer Report.