Finalizing Intake Season

Intake Season will fall into one of the following Intake Season Statuses.


Confirming Chapter Candidates after Cluster/Intake Season has been completed.

  1. Login as Administrator or Intake Manager Administrator on the Regional Level.

  2. Expand the Region “Quick Links” Section and click the “Intake Season” button.

  3. Navigate to the “Review Clusters” Step. If you have 1 or more outstanding candidates or documents you will be unable to continue to confirm the Cluster/Intake Season.

    1. Deny, Defer or Accept any Outstanding Candidates

    2. Deny or Approve any Outstanding Documents


    3. If All Outstanding Candidates and Documents have been addressed then proceed to click the “Ready to Confirm” button.


  4. It will be required to go thru each chapter and review their respective candidate’s individually. If all candidates in the chapter have been verified click the “Confirm” button

    1. Note if there is a candidate in the chapter that is not verified then, that candidate status would have to be set to “Deferred” before the Chapter can be confirmed.


  5. When all chapters confirmed successfully the process is complete.